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10 Tips On How Downsizing Can Improve Your Life

Positive Reasons For Bay Local Residents To Downsize

There are SO many reasons that uncluttering your life, minimizing your possessions, and downsizing your living space are beneficial, it’s going to be difficult to narrow it down. But we have and here are the top ten tips for Bay local residents on downsizing, especially focused on improving various aspects of your life from physical (health), to mental (stress), and emotional (joy).

With most of the nation being stuck-in-place this last year, we’ve become wholly aware of the suffocating levels of ‘stuff’ in our lives, from physical possessions, to debt, to stress. Thus creating a movement of minimalism right now.  Not only is it a reaction to the above mentioned issues in our face on a daily basis, but also a reaction to the over-consumerist culture that has been the norm for the last two generations. Consumerism is no longer hip; environmental awareness and impact, less is more, and enjoying the small things in life are taking front and center stage.

It seems that the “bigger is better” culture is finally shifting. Let’s look at how downsizing as a Bay local resident can positively impact your life.

  1. More Money– this is one of the most obvious and instantly beneficial results downsizing can offer. From shelling out less monthly mortgage, or if a homeowner, less in utilities, taxes, and general upkeep for larger homes. The same principle applies for possessions as well, from automobiles, to yard equipment, electronics, clothes, etc., space and upkeep cost you dollars in the long run.
  2. Helps The Environment- whether you realize it or  not, our everyday lives are being more immediately affected by environmental changes to the weather systems. Longer, harsher winters, hotter, dryer, drought and fire inducing summers, more drastic hurricane seasons- all of these issues are related to our impact on the environment. Waste is one of the largest contributors to environmental damage. Choosing a Bay local smaller home means fewer resources needed to build and fewer resources needed to maintain. Less possessions, less consumption, and learning to make do with what we have all help to stem the tide of stress to our ecosystems.
  3. Value Experience– with your focus turned away from material possessions and acquiring just for the sake of filling space, you can use saved money to enjoy experiences. Travel, educational classes, and destination adventures create memories for a lifetime rather than items that you may only use a few times.
  4. Improves Health– with a downsized life, the need to earn less income in Bay local jobs may come into play, thus reducing a 50+ hour super stressed work-week. Less clutter has also been proven to improve mood, lift depression, and boost energy.
  5. Enjoy The Moment– you may be old enough to where you have collated a ‘lifetime’ of possessions and sentimental clutter, hoarding things just for the sake of keeping hold of your past. But this can also leave you stuck in the old days instead of enjoying the moment and continuing to experience everything life has to offer. Being present results in better physical and mental health, overall feeling freer.
  6. Better Work Quality– downsizing your life, not just your physical space, can also mean freeing up your time and commitments. Spreading yourself too thin can result in more quantity but less quality. Focusing your time, energy, and thoughts on fewer goals will result in a boost to your productivity.
  7. Nurtures Creativity– wanting to write your memories? Knit a tree sweater? Reduced clutter, reduced distractions, leads to a clearer state of mind, allowing you to tap into your creative side. With a downsized life you now have the opportunity and time to explore those untapped masterpieces  
  8. More Time– it’s simple math: less space and fewer possessions, the less amount of time it takes to clean and maintain it all. Downsize your life, gain precious time.
  9. More Pleasure– more money on hand as well as more time, you now are afforded breathing space, able to seek out more Bay local recreation, entertainment, fun, and overall leisure.
  10. Security- the Baby Boomer generation, especially in the Bay local area, is in the midst of a silver tsunami, riding into the golden years. With the economy in constant flux, now more than ever is the perfect time to sell those large Bay local homes, not only increasing your nest egg but also thinking about your children. Taking care of your life’s possession while you are healthy and able to make sound decisions, is one of the best gifts you can give.

The How-To Guide

This article outlines a room-by-room instructional process to help Bay local residents (and anyone else!) begin the decluttering process. From the garage to the home office to the kids rooms and everything else, you’ll find a great outline to guide you through getting organized. You will be shown how to create sorting categories, how to know what to keep, to sell, and to donate. Easy peasy!

If you’re a Bay local resident and ready to downsize, and start a more freeing, comfortable, and productive life, schedule an appointment with Remoov. Our truck will pick-up all of your unwanted items and do the work of getting your clutter to the designated drop off locations. You’ll earn 50% of all sales of the items you choose to sell, and receive a receipt for your donations that you can apply toward your taxes.

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