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Eco-Friendly Family Habits for the Environment

Although leadership on climate solutions needs to come from the world’s governments, changes are also required within every household, where here in the U.S. we are collectively responsible for 80% of the greenhouse-gas emissions.

Recommendations from scientists include the following most productive steps:

  1. A change in dietary habits: reducing meat and dairy consumption is one of the most effective carbon-cutting measures individual families can take. Food production in general accounts for over 20% of the greenhouse-gas emissions. Eat local and lower on the food chain.
  2. Gas consumption: this is the second biggest offender. Biking, carpooling, public transport all help to offset fuel emissions. And choosing vehicles with high mpg really does make a difference.
  3. Energy audit: find out how much energy your home is using. It depends on how energy is supplied to your home, but in general this is high on the list and some easy enough actionable steps you can take to make lasting changes.
  4. Think before you throw: recycling is a good step but it’s still a complicated process here in the U.S. The first thought should be to reduce and re-use. It truly is SO important and can have a lasting impact on the environment. This means careful planning to reduce consumption. It will reduce emissions from packaging, transportation and production. And re-use means to keep items in circulation by selling, donating, upcycling, and decommissioning in a responsible manner when necessary.
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