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Becoming Environmentally Efficient In Your Home

The How-To Guide For Greener Living

The uptick in awareness around the world’s environmental concerns has been extremely refreshing to see happen as people are finally realizing they can make a difference. By now you’ve most likely taken small steps in your everyday life to bring less of a burden onto the ecosystem (recycling, using tote bags vs plastic, composting). If you have the means, think about going big, i.e. solar panels, changing to Energy Star appliances, switch out your gas vehicles for electric. Otherwise we have tips for smaller changes you can make in your house that are easy, budget friendly, and efficient. If living green is on your To Do List, your eco-friendly home is just a few steps away!

Cold Water– believe it or not, even Tide- the huge detergent company- recently came out with a commercial asking consumers to switch to washing their clothes in cold water. Why? This makes an enormous difference in the amount of energy used heating water, thus reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Not only does this help the environment, but also helps your clothes last longer than when using hot water which breaks down fabrics quicker.

DIY Instead of New– there is also a huge movement towards reduce, reuse, and recycle, with the ultimate goal to keep items out of landfills forever. You may have the means and it may be more convenient to buy new instead or repair, upcycle, or find creative ways to make your possessions last longer. But even if you do have the means,  the point is to help our entire ecosystem by not relying on the extortion of natural resources for new possessions and filling garbage heaps with old items. Look to buy second hand first. Think about repairing instead of tossing.

Bulbs- You’ve probably seen this one mentioned everywhere, but have you implemented the change yet? Super easy and super efficient. By switching to energy-efficient light bulbs you will use less electricity at the same time as making your home more environmentally-friendly. LED is the better alternative because it lasts longer, is eco-friendly, and saves money.

Curtains & Shades– if you don’t already have coverings on your windows, this is another energy efficient step you can take to make your home more eco-friendly. Curtains keep the home temperature more consistent; they help heated and cooled air stay in. Shading in summer months and not allowing heated air to creep out the window crevices in the cold months.

Drip Coffee– technology, although clever, does not always work in our favor. Unfortunately coffee-pods are one of those inventions. If you have one of these devices, switching back to the drip-style coffee pot or better yet a French press, will help with reducing trash and waste production. These plastic pods pile up by the millions year after year.

No More Bottled Water– make the commitment here and now: stop buying bottled water. Not only does this commodity have a gigantic negative impact on the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills and ultimately the ocean, but it is also an industry that causes devastation to ecosystems where the water is bottled. There is literally no need to buy bottled water. To make an eco-friendly and environmentally efficient home, simply add a water filter. You can do a whole house one, under the sink style, or just a refillable pitcher you keep in the refrigerator.

Clean Naturally– this step may seem like a hassle at first, making your own cleaning products (although there are many available brands, they are slightly more expensive), but the one time effort of getting set up is well worth it. No longer will you be responsible for pouring harsh chemicals into the water and waste systems which are harmful to your health as well. Look into natural homemade solutions that are just as effective. 

Choose Cloth– this is a great option for both cleaning chores and the dinner table. Instead of purchasing paper towels and paper napkins which are both one-time use items, make the switch to cloth rags and cloth napkins (darker colors best). For paper products like toilet tissue, look for recycled bands. There are several sustainable and responsible options available nowadays that actually deliver right to your doorstep.

Low-Flow– for your showerhead. Check reviews for the powerful options and simply screw it in. This energy efficiency change saves water which helps the planet many times over.

Balls Not Sheets– another environmentally efficient tip is to stop using dryer sheets. The best option of course is to line-dry when possible, but if you’re not quite willing to give up your dryer yet, make the change over to wool dryer balls vs dryer sheets. Not only have dryer sheets been proven to be harmful to your health (releasing toxins that affect your brain and nervous system) but they are also a one-time-use product. Dryer walls release wrinkles and speed up drying time even better than sheets, and with no toxic chemicals added.

We’ve shown how from the comfort of your own home, you can make a difference in the impact you have on the environment. Imagine if millions and millions of US residents took the same actions. There could be some noticeable shifts to our environmental situation rather quickly. So get started NOW and turn your home into an eco-friendly and efficient place. Thank you!

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