Selling your furniture can seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be a breeze. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything from preparing your furniture for sale to choosing the best platforms, including Remoov, and strategies to get the best price.

Why Sell Your Furniture?

Whether you’re moving, redecorating, or just decluttering, selling your furniture can be a smart move. It not only helps you free up space but also gives you extra cash. Plus, it’s an eco-friendly way to ensure your furniture gets a new life.

Preparing Your Furniture for Sale 

Before listing your furniture, make sure it’s in the best possible condition. Clean it thoroughly and fix any minor damages. If needed, a fresh coat of paint or some polish can do wonders. Good photos are crucial, so take clear, well-lit pictures from multiple angles.

Cleaning and repair

First impressions matter. Give your furniture a deep clean. Use appropriate cleaning supplies for different materials. For wooden furniture, consider using a wood cleaner or polish. For upholstered items, a thorough vacuum and spot cleaning can make a huge difference.

Taking High-Quality Photos

Photos are the first thing potential buyers will see. Use natural light if possible, and take multiple shots from different angles. Include close-ups of any unique features or minor damages to provide a transparent view of the item’s condition.

Pricing Your Furniture

Setting the right price is key. Do some research to see what similar items are selling for. Consider the age, condition, and brand of your furniture. Be realistic, but also ensure you get a fair price.

Researching Market Prices

Check websites like Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and eBay for similar items. This will give you a ballpark figure. Take into account your piece’s condition and unique qualities.

Factoring in Condition and Brand

High-end brands or antique pieces can fetch higher prices. On the other hand, it might be necessary to set a lower price for well-used furniture. Being honest about the condition will help set appropriate expectations and reduce the likelihood of returns or complaints.

Best Platforms to Sell Your Furniture

There are numerous platforms to choose from when selling furniture. Here are some of the best:


Remoov is a fantastic platform for selling furniture. They handle the entire process, from pickup to sale, making it hassle-free for you. They also appraise your items, ensuring you get a fair price.


AptDeco offers a seamless process for selling furniture online. They handle delivery and provide secure payment methods. Their user-friendly platform also allows you to list your items quickly and easily.


A classic choice, Craigslist is free and has a broad audience. However, you’ll need to handle all aspects of the sale yourself, including communication with buyers and arranging for pickup.

Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace is user-friendly and has a vast audience. It’s ideal for local sales and straightforward communication with buyers. You can also join local buy-sell groups to increase your reach.


eBay is ideal for unique or high-value pieces. It offers a broad audience, but shipping can be a hassle. Make sure to consider shipping costs and logistics before listing your items.

Writing a Compelling Listing 

A well-written listing can make a huge difference. Be honest and detailed about your furniture. If the piece adds value, mention any flaws, dimensions, and history. Use keywords that buyers might search for.

Crafting the Perfect Description

Start with a catchy headline that includes key details like brand and condition. Follow up with a detailed description covering dimensions, materials, and any unique features. Transparency about any flaws will build trust with potential buyers.

Using Effective Keywords  

Think about what potential buyers might search for. Include terms like “vintage,” “modern,” “solid wood,” or specific brand names. This will help your listing appear in relevant searches.

Negotiating with Buyers

Be prepared to negotiate. Decide beforehand the lowest price you’re willing to accept. Stay polite and firm, and don’t be afraid to walk away if the offer is too low.

Setting Your Bottom Line

Before negotiations begin, decide on the lowest price you’re willing to accept. This will help you avoid making impulsive decisions under pressure.

Polite but Firm Communication

Negotiation can be tricky. Always stay polite and professional. If a buyer offers too little, counter with a reasonable price. If they insist on a price that’s too low, it’s okay to walk away.

Safety Tips 

Safety is paramount when meeting potential buyers. Always meet in a public place, or have someone with you. Trust your instincts and take precautions.

Meeting in Public

Whenever possible, arrange to meet buyers in public places like coffee shops or parking lots. This adds an extra layer of safety.

Bringing a Friend

Make sure you have a companion when buyers visit your home. This can help deter any potential safety issues.

Timing Your Sale 

Timing can have an impact on how quickly and how much you sell your furniture. Spring and summer are typically favorable times, as people are moving and redecorating. Avoid holiday seasons when people are less likely to be shopping for furniture.

Seasonal Trends 

Understanding seasonal trends can help you time your sale for maximum impact. For instance, spring and summer are peak times for home sales and moving, which can increase demand for furniture.

Avoiding Slow Periods

Try to avoid listing during major holidays or just after the new year, when people may be less inclined to make purchases.

Utilizing Social Media

Don’t underestimate the power of social media. Share your listings on social media accounts. Join local selling groups on Facebook and other platforms to reach more potential buyers.

Sharing on Personal Profiles 

Your friends and family may know someone who is in need of furniture. Sharing your personal profile can be a quick way to find a buyer.

Joining Local Groups 

Local buy-sell groups on Facebook or other platforms can greatly expand your reach. These groups often have active members looking for excellent deals.

Leveraging Local Stores

Some local consignment shops or second-hand stores may be interested in buying your furniture. While you might not get top dollar, it’s a quick and easy way to sell.

Consignment Shops

Consignment shops can be a wonderful option if you want to offload items quickly. They typically take a percentage of the sale price, but it can save you time and effort.

Thrift Stores

Thrift stores are another option, especially for lower-value items. Though you may not make much, it’s a simple way to get rid of old furniture.

Eco-Friendly Selling

Consider eco-friendly options. Sites like Freecycle or local recycling centers can be beneficial if your goal is more about sustainability than profit.


Freecycle is a network where you can give away items for free. It’s a wonderful way to ensure your furniture gets a second life without adding to landfill waste.

Recycling Centers

Check with local recycling centers to see if they accept furniture. This can be a viable option for items that are too worn to sell but are still usable.

Tracking Your Sales

Keep track of what you’ve sold and for what amount. This will help you know what works best and what doesn’t in future sales.

Maintaining Records 

Keep a simple spreadsheet with details for each sale. Include information like the item description, sale price, and platform used. This can help you analyze trends and improve your future listings.

Learning from Experience 

Review your records periodically to identify what types of items sell best and on which platforms. Use this information to refine your selling strategy.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid these common pitfalls:

  • Overprice your furniture.
  • Poor-quality photos.
  • Incomplete or dishonest descriptions.
  • Ignoring buyer inquiries.

Avoid Overpricing

Setting your prices too high can deter buyers. Be realistic and willing to adjust if needed.

High-Quality Photos

Investing time in taking excellent photos can make a big difference. Avoid dark, blurry, or cluttered images.

Honest Descriptions  

Transparency builds trust. To avoid disputes, always mention any flaws and be precise in your descriptions.

Prompt Responses

Responding quickly to inquiries shows buyers you’re serious and professional. Don’t let messages sit for too long.

Final Thoughts

Selling your furniture can be a rewarding experience, both financially and environmentally. By following these tips and choosing the right platform, you can make the process smooth and successful. Happy selling!


How do I determine the right price for my furniture?

Research similar items online, consider the condition and brand, and set a fair but competitive price.

What are the best platforms for selling furniture?

Remoov, AptDeco, Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and eBay are all excellent options.

How can I ensure my safety when selling furniture?

Meet buyers in public places; bring someone along; and trust your instincts.

How important are photos in my listing?

Very important. Clear, well-lit photos can significantly increase your chances of selling.

Should I clean my furniture before selling?

Absolutely. Clean and fix any minor damages to make your furniture more appealing.