Mother Earth. Our planet, the only one in the galaxy that can support life, is very much like a mother. Providing us shelter (a world to live on), nourishment (100’s of thousands of plant and animal species), and safety (a protective ozone layer). In the spirit of Valentine’s or a day to express love, let’s look at five ways to show love to the earth this month (and every day!). Take a moment to reflect on the significance of saving our planet and what happens if we don’t. So let’s look at 5 ways to show love to the earth this Valentine’s Day. By each doing our part, the millions add up and we can make a positive difference for the planet and future generations.

RESOURCE: Eco-Conscious Valentine’s Gifts


One of the biggest ways to have a positive impact on the planet is to properly recycle and compost. What do we mean when we say “properly”? This refers to proper separation to avoid contamination and recycling loss.

  • One bag of garbage tossed into a recycling bin will contaminate the whole container, possibly the whole recycling truck rendering all the recycling efforts useless and turning it into trash.
  • Separate each category: compost, recycling, garbage.
  • Know what goes into each bin in your city.
  • Recycling products need to be DRY.
  • Take recycling out of plastic bags before depositing it into curbside bins.
  • Break down your boxes. This allows room for more items, more space in the recycling trucks, and fewer trips.


  • How To Responsibly Recycle Everything HERE.
  • Top 10 Must Recycle Items HERE.
  • What Happens If We Stop Recycling HERE.
  • How Composting Works & Why It Helps The Earth HERE.


Energy conservation: producing electricity can be a taxing process on the environment (production of coal, natural gas, fracking…). By becoming aware of using only the electricity we need and conserving it when possible, we could make a substantial impact on the country’s consumption of power. 

Look to add more renewable sources to your home.

  • Turn off the lights when you leave the room to save energy.
  • Wash in cold water (today’s products are made for that). Heating water is a serious energy consumer.
  • Line dry clothes. Dryers are also extremely power-hungry.
  • Delete old emails (in spam, trash, and sent folders too). Saves energy. Details HERE.

Water conservation: Next to air, water is the most important element in our lives. Water is a limited thing that can result in shortages in the immediate future if we don’t take stronger actions. Conserving water can make a big difference in easing these forthcoming shortages. 

  • Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth or shaving your face.
  • Run washing machines and dishwashers with full loads.
  • Use low-flow shower heads and faucet aerators.
  • Fix leaks on dripping faucets and toilets.
  • Install a dual flush or low-flow toilet or put a conversion kit on your existing toilet.
  • Don’t overwater your lawn or water during peak periods, and install rain sensors on irrigation systems.
  • Install a rain barrel for outdoor watering.


  • Becoming Environmentally Efficient In Your Home HERE.
  • Steps Anyone Can Take To Become Carbon Neutral HERE.


What food you buy and where you buy it has a significant impact on our ecosystem. Mass-produced produce and meat use harsh destructive chemicals, and untold amounts of water, and the transportation of these foods across states and oftentimes counties add to the greenhouse effect. Incorporating sustainable practices into your food consumption can make a HUGE difference. Not only will you be supporting local businesses, but you’ll also be reducing packing waste, not ingesting chemicals, and conserving transportation energy. 

  • Stock up on plant-based, organic, and local ingredients.
  • Avoid plastic packaging and try to purchase products in aluminum, glass, or cardboard containers. When possible, shop the bulk bins, using your own containers.
  • Reduce food waste, take only what you can eat, and meal plan.
  • Conserve energy by choosing recipes that don’t require baking or heating.
  • Grow your own, on window sills, in container pots, or on any piece of land at your disposal.


How Food Waste Effects The Environment HERE.


Keeping our outdoor spaces clean and trash free is also an excellent way to show the earth some love. Be aware when visiting your local parks, nature reserves, beaches, and woodlands, and when you see trash pick it up and properly dispose of or recycle it. (and of course, never litter!). Take part in local “clean-up” events to meet like-minded people and work together as a team to help the environment. Every time you respect the outdoors you are preserving our ecosystems and protecting the local wildlife that may also call the area home.

  • Pick up litter whenever you see it.
  • Stick to paths on hikes.
  • Leave no trace behind.

An additional way to support nature and the outside ecosystem is to quit fast fashion. The fast fashion clothing industry is one of the most polluting crops in the entire world. Fashion production makes up 10% of humanity’s carbon emissions, dries up water sources, and pollutes rivers and streams with the release of toxins and microplastics.

  • Shop only organic fiber clothes.
  • Shop secondhand clothes.
  • Hold clothing swaps.
  • Wash clothes in cold water and line dry to help them last longer.


  • Reforestation Projects HERE
  • Environmental Stewardship Activities For Kids HERE
  • Community Activities To Do In Your Neighborhood To Help The Environment HERE.
  • How To Quit Fast Fashion For Good HERE.


And one of the biggest ways to show mother earth some love is to go plastic-free. Plastic can ONLY ever be recycled twice then it’s into landfills forever. Plastic is made from oil which is another environmental pollutant. A majority of t plastic products end up in the ocean which is dangerous to its inhabitants. Plastic poses a threat to the climate, as plastic releases greenhouse gases as it slowly breaks down. How to show some earth love by using reusable products versus one-time-use products whenever you can.

  • Reusable coffee mugs, and thermos water bottles (versus coffee to-go cups). 
  • Reusable straws.
  • Reusable doggie bag containers.
  • Reusable water bottles.
  • Reusable shopping bags.
  • Reusable cutlery for fast food or casual dining out options.


Trash: How Long Does It Last HERE.

Valentine’s Gifts From Repurposed Materials HERE.

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